CSR commitments

As a responsible investor, LBP AM encourages companies to opt for sustainable development paths. As a company, LBP AM is committed to setting a good example through its own decisions

100% responsible management with a CSR policy comprising 5 pillars and precise objectives between now and 2025


1. Promoting responsible investment

As pioneers of SRI, we work to ensure that finance contributes to society's social and environmental transition. Responsibility is at the heart of our corporate strategy. It is reflected in our governance, our tools, our products and our expertise.

  • Ambitious climate and biodiversity policies

  • SRI solutions tailored to our customers' needs

  • Active education to help our stakeholders promote sustainable finance

2. Act as a responsible employer

CSR is reflected in LBP AM's strong commitment to its employees by ensuring

marque employeur

3. Reduce our environmental footprint

It includes the commitments made by LBP AM and LFDE to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030: a carbon footprint per entity carried out each year, a new responsible purchasing policy 2024-2026 and campaigns to raise awareness of digital ecogestures 

4. Contribute to regional development through impact projects

Our solidarity initiatives take a variety of forms: on the one hand, through our sharing programs, and on the other, through our LBP AM Group Foundation, which supports education, social and professional integration, and health (particularly mental health) 

Gamme de partage
governance mountain

5. Ensure responsible governance

This pillar includes all the steps taken by the company to ensure ethical and responsible governance: a CSR committee that validates CSR orientations for the entire Group, transparent extra-financial reporting, and all the advocacy actions in favor of more responsible and sustainable finance 

Key figures


of employees have an extra-financial objective 


associations supported through the Sharing and Solidarity Range


LBP AM commits to align 80% of its total assets with a decarbonisation target