Technology Serving Our Business

Encouraging Innovation and French Tech

At LBP AM, we firmly believe that innovation is key to transforming our sector and promoting a more sustainable economy. This is why we invest in research and the development of innovative technological means to support our business and ISR activities.


 Promoting and Valuing French Tech

Recognized among the best in Europe, French Tech enjoys genuine international recognition thanks to its capacity for innovation and its network of investors.

At the heart of this network, LBP AM is committed to supporting French tech companies in the long term, particularly during their industrial and commercial acceleration phases.

Since 2022, we have organized the Innovation Trophies to reward the best initiatives in French Tech (Fintech, Greentech, Healthtech…). A jury composed of venture capital funds, Tech company CEOs, and institutional investors selects the winners.

Innovating with the Digital Lab

Launched in 2022, LBP AM’s “Digital Lab” spearheads key initiatives around innovation and artificial intelligence (AI). Among its projects, we can mention:

 The creation of a Data Hub ISR, a platform integrating financial and extra-financial data..

Securing business developments. We have implemented a development platform to reduce “shadow IT” and secure our projects.

Developing business applications. Thanks to the Large Language Model (LLM) tools from French Tech, we create Proof of Concepts (POC) for various business applications.

Patrcik pansier présentant le data hub isr
Pho`to du siege social de LBP AM

Supporting the Ecosystem

We maintain strategic partnerships with innovative fintech companies to enhance our offerings, including:

►Iznes : a B2B2C marketplace for the distribution of funds (listed and unlisted) using Blockchain technology.

Manaos : a B2B technology platform “ISR as a service” allowing investors to access GREaT scores (our proprietary ISR analysis method) for complete transparency on their portfolios.

Award-Winning SRI Tech Expertise

We are proud of the distinctions we have received for our innovations: