Trophées de l'Innovation : 2022 edition

Pour leur première édition, Les Trophées de l'innovation    ont accueilli une marraine d’exception, Fleur Pellerin, ancienne ministre de la Culture et un jury présidé par Pierre Ernst, Secrétaire général de LBP AM. Cette édition a été organisée par LBP AM et Tocqueville Finance en partenariat avec Investance Partners et Finance Innovation . 

The winers of the 2022 edition


Fintech of the year

Handsome, created in 2019 by Julien Delamorte. Nine out of every ten visually impaired individuals are the victim of fraud, scams or errors when making instore payments. Handsome came up with the first fully accessible payment card, based on smartphone connectivity, to address this issue. Once the cardholder has inserted their card in the payment terminal their phone reads out the instructions appearing on the terminal. This replacement of written prompts by spoken ones offers greater payment independence and security to visually impaired users.

fruggr et carbometrix

SRI Fintech of the year (ex-aequo)

  • Fruggr, a start-up created in 2021 by Frederick Marchand based on the impact concept, aims to become the world’s leading platform in ESG steering of digital applications. It seeks to transform companies’ digital footprint and provides automated assessment of the environmental and social footprint of digital applications. Fruggr wants to make digital technology more environmentally friendly and accessible to as many people as possible.

  • Carbometrix, created in 2021 by Corinne Bach, Christian Couturier and Marie David, is a platform that allows investors to assess the carbon footprint of the companies that finance it and to deploy the most effective decarbonisation levers. Their offering uses a simple, accessible tool to steer the venture capital sector towards sustainable finance.
Weather Trade Net

Jury's Special Prize

Weather Trade Net, created in 2019 by Elena Maksimovich, is a unique data provider startup operating at the meeting point of deep tech, climate tech, fintech and insurtech. The company produces physical climate risk scores used in insurance, auditing, ESG rating, TCFD-aligned annual company reporting and risk management.

Awards for 2022

1. Fintech of the year

The winner will receive :

- 1 Carbon Footprint
- A year's Licence at Marklogic
- Training at the Fresque du climat
and biodiversity
- 1 week media campaign with BSmart
- year's membership of Finance Innovation
- 1 GREaT by LBP AM rating

SRI Fintech of the year

The winner will receive :

- Training courses at the Fresque ​​​​​​​du climat
and biodiversity
- 1 week media campaign with BSmart
- 1 year's membership of Finance Innovation
- 1 GREaT by LBP AM rating

3. Fintech Jury's Prize

The winner will receive :

- Training courses at the Fresque du climat
and biodiversity
- 1 week media campaign with BSmart
- 1 year's membership of Finance Innovation
- 1 GREaT by LBP AM rating

Les Trophées en images

The next edition

2023 edition